Abu Dhabi City Municipality delights visitors to the Dolphin Park with enjoyable entertainment


 Abu Dhabi City Municipality delights visitors to the Dolphin Park with enjoyable entertainment and educational activities within the “Winter Event”

Abu Dhabi (News Desk):: Abu Dhabi City Municipality, through the City Municipality Center, organized a “winter event” at the Dolphin Park on Abu Dhabi Island, in cooperation with the Department of Culture and Tourism – Abu Dhabi, Mangrove Adventures Company, and a number of project owners, with the aim of activating municipal facilities and enhancing community participation, through entertainment events that the municipality is keen to organize to please community members.

The educational and entertainment event attracted visitors to the park from all segments, groups and ages, who enjoyed a variety of activities in a wonderful winter atmosphere, which were carefully chosen in order to delight visitors and allow all individuals to enjoy spending entertaining times within a family atmosphere.

Over the course of 4 consecutive days, children visiting the Dolphin Park enjoyed many entertainment and musical segments, various fun games, and displays of interesting cartoon characters, as well as educational competitions conducted among the public. The event also included a group of mobile food carts and kiosks that were designed with a beautiful winter theme in keeping with the situation. With the nature of the atmosphere and effectiveness.

In addition, the Municipality of Abu Dhabi City affirms its keenness to carry out its societal role and invest in its community facilities and the wonderful winter atmosphere in organizing many recreational, educational and awareness-raising events targeting all segments and individuals who visit parks and gardens in the areas located within the geographical scope of the municipality and its sub-centres, in order to enhance its societal mission and quality of life standards. And for the happiness of community members .


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