MBA – Digital Transformation

MBA or M.Sc Digital Transformation is one such qualification recently becoming popular


MBA – Digital Transformation

By. Khuram Amin
BathSpa University
Digital Transformation is upskilling yourself in the Intelligence era also known as the fourth industrial revolution by utilizing technology to understand, create or modify existing processes, operations, models, culture, and experiences as per current global corporate demand. Thus Transforming yourself from mere users of IT to integrating and developing technology-based solutions in your organization.
The organizations not only face competition from fellow enterprises but across sectors and technologies such as an airline competes with all fellow airways while indirectly encountering net conferencing also. As the market is dynamic, and evolving at lightning speed thus managers have to be on their toes by expanding their knowledge of technology, investing in skills development or reskilling, and applying learned techniques. Many Universities and Business Schools have introduced certificate, diploma to master degree programs to lead and manage digital transformation. MBA or M.Sc Digital Transformation is one such qualification recently becoming popular. The MBA or M.Sc with the knowledge of the internet, consumer behavior, product, data, systems , and strategy is the need of the hour. Many people have prior Master’s degrees with specialization of marketing, finance, HR, and such but these qualifications are irrelevant now having a narrow focus on one outdated specialization. It is high time that we have a qualification that adheres to current market needs and serves the purpose of a broader understanding of the ever-changing business environment.
These Programs are covering topics like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Internet of Things, Social Media, Blockchain, and Robotics Process Automation. The upgrade is essential for people aspiring to lead Organizations with having the right background and understanding of human and machine. They will have the correct blend of business and information technology knowledge to confront any new problems emerging from upcoming business models’ inventions, and innovations. Leaders should have the awareness to embed Artificial Intelligence into the services and operations of their organization. In-depth insight into customer behavior will inevitably dictate future business opportunities. What makes web surfers click and stick on the webpage or how data science is used for identifying new products and services to market or place in your portfolio. It also provides new openings by involving the customers in decision-making such as Doritos Super Bowl ads are made by consumers and are most talked about or how Netflix analyzes consumer visits to their website and then recommend movies according to their preferences.
The candidates also sometimes get a chance in these courses to simulate search engine marketing (SEM) or social media marketing (SMM) and the impact it has on sales or overall customer experience. It also allows you to study new business models and their implementation for instance how Khan academy model has changed online teaching forever and how they can be utilized in your industry. MBA or M.Sc Digital Transformation not only upgrades and upskills your qualification but also recognizes your prior learning thus contributing to your knowledge, experience, and qualification. The MBA Digital Transformation helps practitioners evaluate relevant technologies, electronic solutions, new concepts, and to be creative and innovative with them. The program is
being offered from 3 months to 2 years by reputable universities. In the Covid-19 times, people have become unemployed in millions while reducing job opportunities as markets shift online. It is high time that we also reinvent ourselves and chalk out a plan to cater to the Industrial Era 4.0. As it is researched that currently, 70% of companies have a strategy of digital transformation and are busy implementing them, any career aspirant
should take into account how the world has changed and move towards the digital transformation

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