To Protect Public Health and the Environment The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi Closes Industrial Facility


To Protect Public Health and the Environment

The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi Closes Industrial Facility

Abu Dhabi(News Desk):: The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) suspended the operations of an industrial facility specialised in processing used oils in the Al Mafraq Industrial Zone of Abu Dhabi City for violating environmental laws and regulations as well as its failure to comply with the environmental requirements andconditions.
This comes under the framework of EAD’s role as the competent authority for environmental affairs in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, who is responsible for monitoring the compliance of industrial facilities, the environment and ensuring they are applying thenbest environmental practices.
Engineer Faisal Al Hammadi, Executive Director of EAD’s Environment Quality Sector said: “Based on the periodic monitoring reports of the Agency’s air quality monitoring stations, and the reports of periodic inspection visits as well as the response to various complaints received from the public regarding the emission of irritating gas odours, it was found that their source was the aforementioned facility as a result of its numerous violations related to non-compliance with environmental license requirements.”
Al Hammadi also pointed out that the facility carried out operational processes without taking precautionary measures to prevent emissions that would affect the quality of the surrounding air and did not commit to installing air pollution control devices, which are part of the Agency’s requirements.
EAD’s decision to suspend the facility’s operations comes as a result of repeated violations and non-compliance with environmental requirements and studies, which saw residential areas in the local area being affected. In this regard, EAD has called on all industrial establishments operating in the Emirate
of Abu Dhabi to adhere to the legal and technical conditions and requirements included in the environmental license issued to them, and to ensure that they adhere to the mandatory requirements to help protect the environment.(- Ends -)

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