Al Ain Book Festival highlights the beauty of local and Arabic creative heritage


An exhibition by Arab artists

Al Ain Book Festival highlights the beauty of local and Arabic creative heritage

In the “Reminiscing the Beginnings” program


AbuDhabi(News Desk):: In the presence of H. E. Dr. Ali bin Tamim, President of the AbuDhabi Arabic Language Centre and Dr. Rami Eskander, Director of the Department of Education, Acting Director of the Department of Culture at ALECSO and H.E. Dr. Ahmado Habibi, an expert on the Department of Culture at ALECSO, the writer  media Expert Ali Obaid, Abdelhadi Ghemari, coordinator of activities in the Department of Culture at ALECSO, elite cultural and artistic figures along with a number of media professionals, Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Centre concluded the events of its 14th edition of Al Ain Book Festival yesterday evening by organizing the cultural programme ;Reminiscing the Beginnings; by the Cultural
Ambassadorship for the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization at the Bait Mohamed Bin Khalifa.
The program began with a speech delivered by H. E. Dr. Ali bin Tamim, President of the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center,stating: “At the beginning, allow me to give acclaim to Sheikha Alyazia Bint Nahyan Al Nahyan, Ambassador for Culture for ALECSO, Ambassador of our culture and identity to the world. We
dearly value her efforts, her vision and her pivotal role, whose positive impact we see. Thank you for every idea you thought of to reach the sky, every effort and support you gave and still do in order for other people and civilizations to learn about our culture and authentic heritage.
At the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center, we appreciate all the efforts of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization shedding light on and widely publicizing the most important issues of the Arab heritage, so that culture and heritage remain common factors and a beautiful language we Arabs are discussing with different people and cultures around the world.”His Excellency added: In the art exhibition included in the program,we have seen the extent of the development embodied by the participating artists within their work and projects, the depth of the vision they carried out and highlighted in their achievement. This reflects their creativity which they were able to transmit to the
public through aesthetic images.”
H.E. Dr. Rami Eskandar, Director of the Department of Education, Acting Director of the Department of Culture at ALECSO, spoke on behalf of H.E. Dr. Mohamed Ould Amar, Director-General of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization,stating: “Two years ago, the United Arab Emirates was honored with the first title of Ambassador for Arab Culture, appointed to Sheikha Alyazia Bint Nahyan Al Nahyan, to hold this title for the ٖٖٖirst time in an official capacity of "Ambassador for Arab Culture
an honour and commitment that affirms the leading role of the United Arab Emirates, highlighting the efforts of its wise leadership in promoting joint Arab cultural action and serving the issues of
peace and sustainable development nationally, regionally and internationally. As the Ambassador for Culture, she fulfilled her obligations to the Organization and its partners, and led the project activities at various national, regional and international levels.
He added:The organization, in coordination with the UAE Ministry of Culture and Youth, appointed Sheikha Alyazia Bint Nahyan Al Nahyan as its first ambassador for Arab culture, as a result of her outstanding achievements in various fields of culture and creativity. This choice confirms the organization desire to
develop, diversify and collaborate with the United Arab Emirates,which continues to sponsor and support a large number of theorganization programmes and projects.
His Excellency stressed that the Ambassador for Culture has launched a large number of projects and initiatives to support the Organization efforts in achieving its objectives, implementing its plans to value and promote Arab culture and employing it to achieve development in Arab countries. The Ambassador initiatives contributed to creating a positive image of Arab culture at the international level and strengthened the links between Arab culture and other cultures. The cultural activities held at the national level have had a significant impact, contributing to the visibility of the Organization and its activities within the State, and decision makers.

Impact Culture and be impacted by it On this occasion, the statement of Sheikha Alyazia Bint Nahyan Al
Nahyan, Ambassador for Culture for the Arab League Educational,Cultural and Scientific Organization:
“Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,marching on the path of authenticity, following the approach of our wise leadership and with Gods graceKindly, allow us to extend our sincere thanks, gratitude and
appreciation to everyone who supported, contributed and worked with us to complete the mission, projects and achievements of the cultural ambassadorship, launched under the slogan “Impact Culture
and Be Impacted by It”At the top of the list:I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude to our wise
leadership. Without the insightful vision and decisions, we would not have been able to strive for a bright and promising future. From the first moment, we realized that the mission of the cultural
ambassadorship came in honor and appreciation of the United Arab Emirates, a hub of creativity, art and a gathering point of civilizations, sparing no effort in opening doors of dialogue and cultural cooperation with our Arab countries and the world, harnessing all potentials, and opening the way for Arab programs
and youth projects, with the belief that they are the primary driver of sustainable development.
We are pleased to extend our thanks to His Excellency Mohamed Ould Omar, Director General of the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), for his trust, in granting the Cultural Ambassadorship by the organization for the first time in its history, and for his support for the mission, and I also thank all individuals responsible for this historical edifice (ALECSO).
We are pleased to extend our thanks to His Excellency Dr. Ali Bin Tamim, Chairman of the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center, for his cooperation and constant support, and for providing the opportunity to conclude the Cultural Ambassadorship’s program with this cultural celebration in this creative heritage site.
Many thanks to our main partners, the Ministry of Culture and Youth, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ambassadors and Diplomatic Missions, Abu Dhabi Media Network, the National Commission of the United Arab Emirates for Education, Culture and Science, and all responsible and working therein.
I extend my sincere thanks to all cultural and media institutions in the United Arab Emirates, regionally and globally, and to everyone who, participated, contributed and enriched with us in the experience of the Cultural Ambassadorship’s Program, highlighting the role and mission of ALECSO on the local, regional and
international levels.

In recognition of the major role in the success of the cultural ambassadorship since its beginning, I extend my thanks and appreciation to His Excellency Sheikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Tolerance and Coexistence. We are proud to belong to the Arab world, with a layered culture and rich civilizational heritage, we are blessed with all its components and principles, and even our excessive fervour becomes
a quality with which we excel at the aesthetic expressions that distinguish us. Therefore, we always seek to spread this authentic Arab culture and values to reach all other cultures and people so that they can experience the essence of its beauty and appreciate the extent of its openness to the world.
In the United Arab Emirates there have been golden opportunities to implement projects in all fields of culture and creativity, and their resonance has reached the Arab and international arenas, as Anasy
Media was launched more than 15 years ago, crystallizing a basic message, to enrich the Emirati cultural community with productions that define our identity and consolidate our common Arab heritage.
The assignment came to culminate previous endeavors, and at the same time followed with responsibility. A challenge and an honor at the same time. It was a race against time, as work was done amidst
challenges that the entire world experienced. Over the course of two years, everyone worked to achieve what was planned, a program worthy of our country, the United Arab Emirates, and with the
momentum of ALECSO, work was intensified to extract everything that would enrich the cultural scene in our Arab countries and add value to the visitor or partaker.This evening we congratulate our partners on what has been achieved, with the exclusive “Reminiscing the Beginnings” cultural program, and in the presence of distinguished guests, artistic personalities and cultural figures. Not only that…, we also take into account that whoever will be chosen next will open new horizons, inspired by what was established, completing the aspirations of a broad audience based in the Arab world and beyond, to shed light on important cultural issues and support the cultural and creative movement therein.Ideas and programs for culture, art, and the Arabic language were also formed, elements common to us all through organizing innovative and new initiatives.We are all proud of the role of ALECSO, as we participated together in disseminating important cultural projects such as the Emirati project “Arabic Inscriptions Portal,” which was approved by the Council of Arab Ministers of Culture to be a joint Arab project, and the “Arab Cultural Guide” project, which will be handed over to the next cultural ambassadorship, and we wish plentiful success in achieving all what is beneficial and good.
Anasy Media, in cooperation with all partners, will continue to develop the creative cultural movement, through several tasks, such as the “Classic Movies Museum” in Abu Dhabi. The group of programs at the local, regional and international levels has enabled us to get to know, communicate and collaborate with
nearly fifteen Arab and international countries, which contributed to enriching the visions between us in a relentless pursuit of a distinguished exchange.
We hope that the experience of Arab cooperation in culture and arts will expand and extend to include the rest of the vital sectors in our countries.”Harmony of Arts and Language The “Reminiscing the Beginnings” programme began with the opening of an art exhibition by a group of Arab artists, including
Sheikha Alyazia Bint Nahyan Al Nahyan, Ambassador for Culture for the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, the Lebanese artist and calligrapher Omar Safa,Lebanese artist Aya Charife the Tunisian artist Hela Amous, Emirati artist Fatima Al-Daheri and Syrian artist Eyad Jouda, whose artistic
work is part of enhancing the Palestinian-Arab role in shaping the common cultural reminiscence.
The participating artists presented a collection of outstanding works inspired by the beauty of the Arabic language, the maritime culture of the UAE, and the arts that flourished during the Islamic culture in
Andalusia, through a set of art works that reflect the realities and contradictions of daily life.

Sheikha Alyazia presented two works entitled The Magic of  Syllables" series to illustrate in her unique artistic style the wonder and magic of the language of Dhad that never fails to fascinate us
with its beauty, elegance, and richness.The magic lamp was chosen as a suggestion that the presence of the Arabic language in our lives is the fulfillment of wishes. The letter and the smoke rising from the lamp embody the pride in the heritage of our Arab nation that permeates our being and our world.
The artist Salma Al-Banna presented an artwork entitled Dream of Peace", painted in a creative manner on the magic lamp a set of improvised decorations that blend several cultures, with some words
in Arabic such as "Dream" and "Peace", and blue and gold came to symbolize the ancient Andalusian culture, which will still seen today. The artist Omar Safa presented a work of art telling the story of the path made by Arabic, and the art of calligraphy. Arabic letters in the form of smoke rising from the magical lamp reflected the hair of the prophet Abu Tayyeb " to make it clear that poetry and wisdom were transmitted only through memorizing and word of mouth, and that Arabic was and remains an unparalleled language of magic.Inspired by the Emirati heritage, the artist Aya Charife presented a
work of art, her work tells the story of a found magical worn out lamp from ages ago, woven with silver outlines and colored with the shades of the deep blue sea for granted wishes upon sea voyages.
The programme continued with a video screening of the poem .Towbad Mountain from the words of the Prince of Poets Ahmed Shawki, and the tunes of the musician Mohamed Abdel Wahab, with a new composed mix by the Emirati artist Ihab Darvish, performed by the artists Tariq al-Manhali and Ali Rashid, under the artistic and administrative supervision of the Emirati Musician Association.
Musician Ihab Darwish said in his speech .The poem of Mount Toubat was chosen to be in line with the theme of the event Reminiscing the Beginnings, and we maintained its symphony character mixed with eastern Arab instruments.
He added One of the most important features of the poem after the redistribution of its tunes is to have it in a rhythmic Emirati style,thus integrating different music cultures.The artists Tariq al-Manhali and Ali Rashid were chosen because of their voices. This cultural project of redistributing one of the classics
of Arab music with a Gulf character is a vital bet on the promotionand exchange of cultural relations among peoples.At the end of the programme, a number of prominent cultural and artistic personalities were honored for their contributions and outstanding role in enriching the cultural and artistic movement in
the Arab world like: Dr. Isobel Bilhol Founder, Consultant and Board Member of the Emirates Foundation for Literature, Dr.Hamad Safi Al-Mustaghani General Secretary of the Arabic Language Complex in Sharjah, poet and media icon Dr. Brewin Habib, and artist Fayez Qazak, famous actor, author and director.

Dr Brewin preformed in the closing statements after the awards, a poem titled “to the lord we look for reconciliation”.His Excellency Dr. Mohammed Ould Omar, Director General of the Arab Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization, was also honored and given the shield of excellence in cultural sustainability for his cultural, scientific and educational efforts and achievements,and His Excellency Dr. Ali bin Tamim, President of the Abu Dhabi Arabic Language Center for his groundbreaking achievements
locally, regionally and internationally.The Cultural Ambassadorship extended tribute to His Excellency
Dr. Nasser Mohamed Aref, Professor of Political Science at the Faculty of Economics and Political Science at Cairo University, and to Her Excellency Huda Kanoo, the founder of the Abu Dhabi Culture and Arts Group and the artistic director of ADMAF for outstanding achievements and active role in enriching cultural
interchange.It is worth noting that Al Ain book fair diligently applied the vision of Abu Dhabi Language center to secure the presence of the Arabic Language through books in the imagination of the readers,conserving a close relationship between the language and the reader,throughout the days of the fair audiences were given an artistic unique mix of a variety of shows, programs attended by prominent speakers & guests from the UAE and from abroad.

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