UAE: Unstable Weather with Thunderstorms Expected Until May 4 – UAE


The National Center of Meteorology affirmed that the current unstable weather, starting from today, Sunday, and continuing until next Friday, is considered typical weather occurrences that happen annually at this time of the year. This weather pattern is accompanied by moderate to heavy rainfall. It was noted that this weather condition is completely different from the exceptional weather previously experienced by the country between April 14 and 16.

The Center pointed out that the previous exceptional weather, which was characterized by heavy rainfall over wide areas, was unprecedented in the past 75 years according to the statistics of the National Center of Meteorology. It occurred in three consecutive waves starting from the morning of Sunday, April 14, with the strongest wave occurring on Tuesday, April 16.

Today, heavy rains fell in Dubai in Al Qudra City and Saih Al Salam, and moderate to heavy rains were experienced on Emirates Road towards Jebel Ali. Additionally, there were heavy rains on Lehbab-Jebel Ali Road, and heavy thunderstorms accompanied by hail were reported in Al Shuwaib in Al Ain, while the rain was light in Masfoot in Ajman.

Regarding the current weather condition, the Center stated that it will occur in two phases. The first phase starts from today, Sunday, and continues until Wednesday. During this period, local clouds will form in the east and extend to some inland and western areas due to rising temperatures and increased humidity in the Arabian Sea, along with the presence of high mountains, leading to scattered showers ranging from light to heavy.

The Center explained that the second phase of the current weather condition starts from Wednesday evening and continues until Friday, May 3. This phase begins with the formation of a surface low-pressure system coming from the Red Sea, accompanied by another low-pressure system coming from the north of the Arabian Peninsula. These systems will produce moisture and clouds coming from the south and central regions of Saudi Arabia towards the UAE. These clouds will develop over the western regions of the country, accompanied by moderate to heavy rainfall, then move towards Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Al Dhafra, and Al Ain.

The Center warned and reiterated its call for caution during rainfall and advised following traffic instructions on the roads, and avoiding water accumulation in low-lying areas.

The National Center of Meteorology stated yesterday that the country will be affected from April 28 to May 4 by the extension of a surface low-pressure system from the Red Sea accompanied by moist southeasterly winds, along with the extension of a low-pressure system from the northwest and upper-level wind currents, with the advancement of various cloud formations, including cumulonimbus clouds accompanied by moderate to heavy rains in scattered areas, with lightning and thunder sometimes, and the possibility of some hail. The weather will start from the west on Wednesday night and spread over most areas of the country on Thursday, focusing on western regions, coasts, and some eastern areas.

Local rainy cumulonimbus clouds are expected from today, Sunday, until Wednesday, with the possibility of hail in the eastern regions and extending to some inland and western areas.

According to the National Center, cloud amounts will gradually decrease on Friday and Saturday, with continued chances of light to moderate, possibly heavy, rains in some southern and eastern areas. The winds will be southeast to northeast, moderate to fresh, and occasionally strong, especially with cumulonimbus clouds, causing dust and sand, leading to reduced horizontal visibility. The sea will be moderate, occasionally rough, especially with clouds in the Arabian Gulf and Oman Sea.

The National Center expects today, Monday’s weather to be partly cloudy at times with the possibility of some local rainy cumulonimbus clouds in the east and some inland areas in the afternoon. The winds will be southeast to northeast, light to moderate, occasionally fresh, causing dust and sand, reaching speeds of up to 40 km/h. The sea will be light to moderate, occasionally rough, in the Arabian Gulf and light waves in the Oman Sea.

On Tuesday, the weather will be partly cloudy at times, with the possibility of some local rainy cumulonimbus clouds, accompanied by rain in the east and some western areas in the afternoon. The winds will be north to northeast, light to moderate, sometimes fresh.

Next Wednesday is expected to be partly cloudy to cloudy, with a chance of light to moderate rain on the islands and some eastern and western areas in the evening. The winds will be southeast to northeast, light to moderate, shifting to northwest, occasionally strong, reaching speeds of up to 45 km/h in the morning.

Thursday’s weather is expected to be unstable with cumulonimbus clouds and various intensity rains in scattered areas of the country, with a noticeable drop in temperatures. The winds will be northwest to northeast, light to moderate, occasionally fresh to strong with clouds, causing dust and sand, leading to reduced horizontal visibility, reaching speeds of up to 65 km/h.

Today, the highest temperature recorded in the country was in Al Zamel (Al Ain) at 39.6 degrees Celsius at 2:30 PM, while the lowest temperature was recorded in Jebel Jais (Ras Al Khaimah) at 15.5 degrees Celsius at 5:30 AM local time.

Source: Al-Bayan newspaper

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