Emirates Quality Association sheds light on the proactive services achieved by the UAE

Proactive services are essential to a quality of life


Emirates Quality Association sheds light on the proactive services achieved by the UAE

                             Proactive services are essential to a quality of life

AbuDhabi(Press Release)The Emirates Quality Association organized a virtual scientific lecture on Saturday evening March 20, 2021 on the topic of “proactive services in institutions” in cooperation with the Swedish Association for Excellence and the Quality Management Solutions Company, presented by His Excellency Counselor Omar Bashir Khadra, General Director of Quality Management Solutions Company in Dubai, with the participation of 47 quality experts And institutional excellence, representing 7 Arab countries.

This lecture comes within the strategic plan of the Emirates Quality Association Board of Directors, whose implementation is supervised by the Society’s Executive Committee, within the framework of the Society’s commitment to disseminating scientific knowledge specialized in quality and institutional excellence. Mr. Zakaria Nuseirat, Chairman of the Society’s Executive Committee, expressed his appreciation for the scientific and professional efforts presented by Counselor Omar Khadra. . In supporting public sector institutions in general, in promoting a culture of proactive services in government institutions and private companies.Counselor Omar Khadra explained that proactive services depend on the knowledge of the service provider that the customer has the opportunity to obtain them in order to achieve many benefits for the customer, and to provide the service provider with various benefits, and it requires analysis of data, and it is optional, while the proactive service reduces time and effort for all concerned.He gave an example of the qualitative progress in government proactive services in the United Arab Emirates, citing many examples, among them what was announced by  Excellency Ohoud Bint Khalfan Al-Roumi, Minister of State for Governmental Development and the Future, on October 17, 2017 by adopting 26 proactive services to facilitate the lives of citizens, including (12) proactive services Before the request, to facilitate transactions related to secret life through the “My Family” platform, and to develop the “Bashr” platform, which includes (14) proactive services to facilitate and conduct business, and to enhance the investment environment. And others: The system identified the target groups for proactive services, which are (citizens, residents, citizens of the Gulf Cooperation Council countries, and companies)

The lecturer also referred to the standard of proactive services in the model, as we find it in the catalysts by seizing opportunities, challenging stagnation and stereotyping, anticipating the drivers of change and charting the path for others. We also find preemption in the model through evaluation tools adopted through institutional culture, advanced data analysis and support for decision-making mechanisms and maturity in Capacity.For his part, the lecturer, Omar Khadra, explained that the proactive and resilience of the institution naturally leads to innovation, as proactive, according to the government excellence model, is concerned with achieving the highest levels of readiness, confidence and readiness to ensure the correct development of the entity in the future, while flexibility reflects the entity’s ability to respond, adapt and keep abreast of developments, both of which lead to Innovation as the main possibility for radical renewal and transformation, which must be directed to nourish all aspects of work so that the entity can create the right added value in the right way.At the conclusion of the lecture, the lecturer praised the great role played by the Emirates Quality Association since its establishment in supporting and developing the process of quality and institutional excellence in the United Arab Emirates, through a group of distinguished activities and events and providing a platform for experts and specialists to compete to provide the best and exchange experiences in accordance with the best international practices.The lecture witnessed wide interaction from the attendees, interspersed with a group of interactive questions with the attendees.

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